'Something Blue' sapphire crystal hairpins

Today someone collected these pretty pale sapphire crystal hairpins. I love including some colour in my designs and especially like this shade of pale grey/blue Swarovski faceted crystal. I've put together a colour board with hints of blue - hope you like it!

Photo credits for montage
Top left - Mariam Sitchinava Photography
Middle: Julianne Swartz
Bottom: Joni Niemela
Right: Via Pinterest

Lemon Daisy Cake

I'm back to work after a brilliant long weekend, filled with tasty food and good company. What a difference the sun makes!

My sister Tara made this gorgeous Easter cake...It's a pity she made it for her surfing friends and drove off with it in her camping van though :-( Aparently it was very tasty after an afternoon of surfing.

It's a lemon drizzle Madeira sponge with lemon fondant icing. I just love the pattern and big daisy flowers.

You can check out more of Tara's cakes on her CupCakeMe website or follow her latest creations via Facebook.

Vintage brooch bouquets

Wow - it's amazing when someone you know surprises you with a hidden talent! I've got to know Lisa O'Dwyer, seen right, and her gorgeous photography in the last few months. She mentioned her love for all things vintage and how she was designing some vintage brooch bouquets.

Lisa is originally from Pennsylvania, but now living in Ireland with her husband and two children. Herself and her Mum, also a 'vintage everything' enthusiast, collect brooches and earrings from 1930s-50s designers such as Coro, Lisner, and Hollycraft.

What I especially love about the bouquet below is that Lisa sourced delicate blue vintage paper flowers that had been made in Occupied Japan. Like all things vintage, it's amazing to imagine the interesting stories associated with each piece.

"I had seen brooch bouquets on wedding blogs. I showed it to my mom and she said she wanted to try to make one. She is really good at crafts, and is an expert at stained glass and sewing. She bought the brooches in the US, and made two bouquets and sent them to me but I tore them apart because some of the wires were showing! So I made two types: one with the floral form and brooches and paper flowers and the other with silk hydrangeas and brooches. I used good quality antique brooches, nothing new or reproduction. They take around 6hrs to make. I have some more to make more bouquets, and I'm sure my mom will find some more brooches for me to use when I visit this summer".

Lisa has an Etsy shop called Starry Flower Love and would love her bouquets to be held and treasured forever by some Irish brides! Check out more images from Lisa's Easter-themed shoot...full of dreamy dresses and accessories and the fluffiest white rabbit!

Images by Lisa O'Dwyer Photography

Lisa's Etsy shop - Starry Flower Love
Photo of Lisa by Christina Brosnan

Susan and John's wedding

Susan and John were married in February 2011. Their wedding was in Ratheniska, followed by a reception at Killashee House Hotel, Co. Kildare.

Susan wanted a delicate hair accessory to complement her gorgeous lace gown. She really liked my Rangoli Hairwire styles and together we chose a beaded flower design which picked up on her lace detailing. Susan chose not to wear a veil and wanted something simple yet elegant to dress her hairstyle.

"Aisling, I got lots of compliments about the hair wire on the day and I loved it - it worked out perfectly in the end with the way the hair was done and I even think those that were against me not having a veil were happy enough in the end also!!!!

Thanks again for all your patience with me.

Susan was lucky to have Mary Brown as her photographer. I think you'll agree that she captured lots of beautiful and relaxed emotions. Visit Mary's website or see more photos of the wedding on her Facebook page.

Congratulations Susan and John - You look amazing! Thanks so much for allowing me to share your photos on the blog.

Have a look at some of my other bespoke commissions on the blog, or get in touch if you'd like to arrange to visit my showroom.

"10 Things You Swoon Over" with Aisling Nelson

I have been invited to take part in a great collective project which has been lots of fun! Over the last few years, I have connected with so many creative bloggers and readers and now have lots of new 'online' friends that continually inspire and offer support.

Inspiration and creativity can sometimes be hard to describe but I was invited to write about ten things that I 'Swoon' over for the wonderful US blog Swoon. That sentence was inspiration enough :-) It didn't take me long to put together ten things that I love and illustrate them with amazing images.

Read about my ten favourite things or follow the series over on the Swoon blog.

A big thanks to Ann Nguyen for inviting me to be a gust-blogger - I had lots of fun putting the article together.

Come on summer...

The sun is really trying hard to make an appearance in the last couple of weeks. If only we could *rely* on the weather here, we'd all be so much more adventurous in our wedding venue choices! We might even forward plan a picnic or two...

These images really captured my imagination. I adore the sixties outdoor wedding setting with mis-matched lounge couches. Hats would be a definite requirement along with legs crossed at a 45 degree angle. Please someone invite me to this wedding. Or how about the lavish velvet curtain back-drop at this circus-inspired celebration? It's nice to bring the inside out, don't you think? See the full wedding feature here which was photographed by Gabriel Ryan.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas on outdoor celebrations!

Image credits
Top image via Enchanted Weddings. Original source PutAWittyHeadlineHere.
Circus wedding via Green Wedding Shoes. Photography by Gabriel Ryan Photographers.