The Alternative Wedding Event

When Linda and Andrea from One of a Kind Weddings got in touch to tell me about this event, I was immediately intrigued. Wedding fairs can be so bland ... dazed couples zigg-zagging along thronged aisles of supplier stands. How can you even remember who you spoke to when you get home and collapse on the couch?!

The word alternative conjures up lots of ideas like 'non-traditional' or 'wacky' but this event is very much about encouraging couples to express their own personal style on their wedding day.

One of a Kind Weddings is Ireland’s only eco-chic wedding planning company. Between them, Andrea and Linda have experience in event planning and environmental consultancy. They set up their company to offer something different to couples. Here's a few words from Linda -

“On the day we are going to have a whole host of Ireland's best alternative suppliers from vintage bridal, decor and china to fantastic cakes and even a gospel choir. You can grab a pint of the black stuff at the home of Guinness while you watch a vintage bridal show and learn how to create your unique wedding. It’s the wedding event everyone has been waiting for, whether your gay or straight, catholic or no faith.”

I'm especially looking forward to meeting the girls from Pearl and Godiva who rent out gorgeous vintage china for all occasions, as well as new friends Aga and Noel from White Tea Photography, not to mention a few new tweeting buddies!

The Alternative Wedding Event takes place on Sunday 27th February at The Guinness Store House from 12pm to 6pm. Tickets @ €7 available online or €10 at the door.

Hope to see some of you there!

Pearl and Godiva images by Aspect Photography