Pretty plaits & braids

I love plaits and braiding - I suppose my techniques of crochet and wire-wrapping are a similar art form. It's amazing seeing hairdressers create three-dimensional pieces of art on top of people's heads! Sandra Crosbie is a free-lance stylist and friend and her creation's continually amaze and inspire me! (image above). The two images below were found via Flickr and Pinterest.

This hairstyle was obviously created for rolling around in the grass. Very romantic and dreamy and perfect for a wedding style. Or how about the Bardot tousled look? Looks like someone else has been rolling around too...

I have created several hairstlye albums on my Rangoli Facebook page - check out my albums of Short, Soft up-styles and Half-up hairstyles. Lots of inspiration for all types of hair! I hope you like them.