Cake Pops!

Some of you probably know that my 'ickle sister Tara runs a cupcake business called Cupcake Me. Her cakes are truly gorgeous and I get to sample lots of them so I can say that hand on heart! The first I heard about her new cakes pops was when I saw her post on Facebook today...and I let out a mini-whoop because they look so cute!

Here's a few words from the Master Baker -
"As you know, I spend hours online checking out some seriously excellent UK and American cake websites and blogs. I came across the cake pops craze recently and thought to myself that I just had to get a bit of that action. So, armed with a book that I bought online and all the necessary bits, I set about putting some of these beauties together. Voila! The first batch that I made are featured in this picture - they are carrot and walnut with butter-cream bases, covered in a special type of candy coating and decorated...well, pretty much anyway you want!"
What's even better, we had a special home delivery of two cake pops this evening. Myself and Ben got to fight over which sprinkles toppings we preferred. (I went for the one which was ever so slightly larger). I'm delighted to say that I have now sampled my first, very delicious, cake pop. Can't wait to see the full range of colours and designs Tara!

For more info, visit Tara's website and Facebook page.