Rangoli bride Aisling marries Ian

This year I designed accessories for two amazing sisters;Aisling and Kellie, who were both married within a couple of monthsof each other. (Keep an eye out for Kellie's feature coming soon).Girls, all I can say is that you were both a pleasure to design forand work with and I'm so glad you both had brilliant days!

I designed a crochet headpiece and bracelet for Aisling tocomplement her Claire Pettibone 'Willow' gown. I used peach and ivory pearls to pick up on the unusual embroidery detail on the dress. Here's Aisling to tell us about how she planned her magical day.

"I know what I have written is WAY too muchinformation, however I really couldnt begin anywhere elseother than the beginning of our story......

"It was back in 2003 that Ian and I both met (at Witness nowknown as Oxegen), Ian is a Dub and I myself am from Co Down. Wespent 5 months inseparable, (when possible) before he had to takeoff on a pre-arranged trip around the world. It wasn't long thoughuntil my sister, friends and I decided to do exactly that. Ian andI met again in Melbourne that following summer where we livedtogether for 6 months. Ian's dad passed away very unexpectedly andbefore we knew it we were back in Ireland living apart. But not forlong...."

 Aisling's sister Kellie is seen on theleft in the picture above

In September 2008, Ian surprised Aisling with a trip to Florence,where he proposed to her! Almost two years later, the couple headedto the Amalfi Coast in search of the perfect wedding venue.

"We did find one but it just happened to be at the top of amountain....'Ravello'. This place was really beautiful, however along, long way to take our guests.  After much deliberating wedecided to give our homeland a chance."

Lots of research and weekend travelling, (would you believe over 1000km?), finallyled Aisling and Ian to Tankardstown House which immediately won themover.

"As soon as we walked through the front doors of this charmingplace we were sold! It possessed all the old world charm but with abright and new feel to it. There was an open fire roaring in thehall way and as we made our way through the house we did not knowwhere to look first; there was so much character. This houseset the foundation for the theme and style of the day that I hadplanned in my head for God knows how long! I pictured the day to beenchanting, romantic, poetic and with all that Tankardstown Househad to offer again including the grounds this was most definitelythe place."

"The next big thing was the dress...  I spent hours (maybeeven days ("~) surfing the net using blogs such as Style mePretty, LaneDittoe, Wedding Chicks for inspiration. I googled words suchas vintage, illuminating, delicate and then I stumbled uponClairePettibone. Her dresses were magical. Every dress was made for afairytale. When I tried on 'Willow' in Myrtle Ivory,Dublin, I was blown away! I didnt want to take it off and so I knewit had to be the one. The style of the day that I had imaginedwas finally starting to take shape...a mix of vintage flair with amagical feel of a 'A midsummer nights dream'.

The venue was booked, the dress was ordered, we soon found asweet little chapel, the bridemaids dresses were being sketched.The groom and groomsmens suits were decided upon. Everything wasfalling in to place. Make-up I would do myself, the only thing thatwas left in terms of the bridal party was my jewellery.  As achild I always pictured myself wearing a headpiece on my big day,something that would sit delicately on my forehead.  So it wasback to the drawing board... Google to some, (my new best friend).It wasn't long though before I came across the very creative andtalented Aisling Nelson, Rangoli."

"After visiting Aisling in her delightful studio Isoon knew she would create something really special. Aislingdid her own bit of research for me in terms of deciding upon thecolours and beads that would suit 'Willow'. The headpiece was soperfect I had to ask for Aisling to make me a bracelet also.The attention to detail that went in to both pieces wasexceptional. I will treasure both pieces forever and I love thatalthough our big day has been and gone I can still wear mybracelet, look back and remember what a truly magical and wonderfulday we had. Thank-you for your amazing input."

"When planning a wedding though,...it doesnt just stop atthe wedding party and venue. As I previously stated I soon becameaddicted to wedding blogs. There was the invites that I handmademyself (that took me way too long,..more than I care to remember),I bought my paper from Daintree in Camden Street Dublin and thesame paper I used for my buntons to decorate my sweet treat table.I used it for the table plan and also the guest book."

Wedding invitations made using Daintree paper

"We used sweets that reminded us of when we were lilones...cola cubes, fish 'n'chips, saucers, shrimps, banana's,raspberry ruffles (my dad's favourite). Ian loves my home bakedraspberry and coconut frou frou cupcakes and I happened to find aplace in town that most definitely uses the same ingredients, so Iknew I had to have some there also. I always loved polaroidpictures so I left one by the guset book for people to leave alittle pic with some well wishes. Ian has always loved cigarsmoreso on special occassions and so he got a humidor and overtime time collected a number of quality cigars for those that wouldenjoy them on the big day.

I arranged an overhead projector to be set up in the drawingroom of the house and after the dinner we all moved in to watch aslide show of photo's including all the guests with Ian and myselfat some stage in our lives creating happy memories.This was justanother little feature. Helena (a very special lady that I caredfor, for 4 years) said an amazing poem 'Young Lord Lochinvar' bySir Waltar Scott. This poem is very beautiful andromantic."

"The fabulous photographer who really captured the essence ofthe day was the one and only Peter Gordan of ExploreLight. Peter who is also a closefriend spent some time with us prior to the day in deciding uponwhat exactly we wanted from our photo's and he really did all thatand more!"

 Flowers by Sweet PeaDesigns

"The flowers were decided upon after two hours with the floristat her kitchen table. Catherine Handley of 'Sweet Pea Designs'spent this time with me trying to grasp an idea of what I hadpictured. I wanted the flowers to be delicate and to havea somewhat rustic feel. Catherine did all so tastefully. The chapelwas amazing with candles everywhere. 

I also wanted heatherfeaturing somewhere. This was something that reminded me of mychildhood. I grew up at the foot of the Mourne Mountains andheather grew everywhere. Catherine went one step ahead and actuallysourced the specific heather found in the mountains of CoDown. You can see it a little in the bouquets and the boysbuttonholes. The flowergirls were like little fairies with theirfloral crowns. Catherine also used her glasswear that her fathercollects for her (ie old ketchup bottles, Chanel perfume bottles)to decorate the main dining room including thefireplace."

"There really was a lot of attention to detail and as I write this it dawns on me how much time and effort really goes in to creating something so special. Would I do it again..absolutely..in a heartbeat!!!"

What a pretty wedding and gorgeous couple - don't you agree?Aisling and Ian, thanks for sharing some of your amazing photos andfor taking the time to tell us about all the planning that wentinto personalising your day. I really appreciate your kind words too.

Rangoli bride features are my favourite part of the blog - check out some more wedding reports or have a look at my Rangoli Brides album or Facebook page for lots more inspiration.

Supplier details
Photographer: Peter Gordan of ExploreLight
Venue: Tankardstown House
Dress: Myrtle Ivory Dublin
Flowers: Catherine Handley of Sweet Pea Designs
Paper for stationery: Daintree
Headpiece and jewellery: Rangoli